LatchKey Password Vault 1.0.0 Released

LatchKey Feature Update
July 13, 2017

Towson, MD (6/24/2012) – Talegen Media, LLC has announced their first release of the LatchKey Password Vault application. LatchKey Password Vault is an easy to use password tracking system that useshardened encryption techniques to securely store your accumulating list of website account names and passwords. The program uses industry-standard 3DES encryption to safely store easily forgotten account authentication information. Gone are the days of trying to guess passwords, password incrementing, or the unimaginable post-it notes under the keyboard.

LatchKey Password Vault 1.0.0 Released

Towson, MD (6/24/2012) – Talegen Media, LLC has announced their first release of the LatchKey Password Vault application. LatchKey Password Vault is an easy to use password tracking system that useshardened encryption techniques to securely store your accumulating list of website account names and passwords. The program uses industry-standard 3DES encryption to safely store easily forgotten account authentication information. Gone are the days of trying to guess passwords, password incrementing, or the unimaginable post-it notes under the keyboard.

More information about LatchKey and the installation download can be found at:
